Acupuncture is used with conditions such as:
- Back pain
- Headaches
- Sciatica
- Knee Pain
- Golfers Elbow
- Tennis Elbow
- Hand and thumb pain
- Stress relief and relaxation
- Anxiety / Depression
- Sleep disorder
- General well being
How Acupuncture Works
The ancient Chinese art of healing has become popular throughout the world, particularly during the past few decades. It is simple, safe, free from the side effects of Western drug therapy, effective and cost-effective.Acupuncture treats and prevents disease by affecting certain key points on the body through needles. More than 300 of these points have been identified, with more being discovered over time.The most widely known and understood aspect of acupuncture by Western medical thinking is its pain killing or analgesic effects. This aspect has been studied by the Cadillac of scientific research methods – the double blind randomized control trial. Physiologists have discovered that certain points when stimulated by needles cause the brain to release endorphins.A more traditional explanation of acupuncture is that the body contains vital energy or qi (pronounced Chee) which, when flowing smoothly over channels or meridians that run throughout the body, is expressed overtly as health.